Wine Polyphenols in the Management of Cardiovascular Risk Factors

Wine Polyphenols in the Management of Cardiovascular Risk Factors
Publication type
Book Chapter
Year of Publication
Polyphenols in Human Health and Disease
993 - 1006
Date published
9780123984562 (ISBN)

Heavy or binge alcohol consumption unquestionably leads to increased morbidity and mortality. Nevertheless, moderate alcohol consumption (mainly red wine) seems to confer cardiovascular protective effects in healthy subjects and even in patients with documented cardiovascular disease. The mechanisms underlying the cardio-protective effect of wine against coronary heart disease are related to an improvement of glucose metabolism, blood pressure, the lipid profile, endothelial function, and hemostatic system, mainly by enhancement of oxidative status and reduction of inflammation. The results of recent randomized clinical trials have shown that wine provides these protective effects mainly due to its high polyphenolic content. In conclusion, moderate consumption of wine, a polyphenol-rich beverage, exerts a protective effect on biomarkers related to the progression and development of cardiovascular disease. Nevertheless, caution should be taken when giving advice related to wine consumption because of its alcoholic content.