Cardiovascular disease

Beer in moderate amounts can be good for heart and blood vessels mainly because of the alcohol in it. There is strong scientific evidence that consumption of 15–30 g of alcohol per day is associated with a 25% lower relative risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality compared to abstainers. At this level of alcohol intake, coronary heart disease risk is reduced by 34%. The risk for stroke is lowest (20% less) at an intake of up to 15 g of alcohol per day.
Increased HDL cholesterol, improved insulin sensitivity, decreased fibrinogen and reduced inflammation markers are physiological mechanisms that explain this association. Also, on top of a healthy lifestyle and for people having cardiovascular disease, moderate beer consumption may have a cardiovascular protective effect. This is unrelated to the type of beverage.

For CVD prevention: Do not smoke, be active and eat and drink healthily and in moderation.

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Please find below a list of publications regarding alcohol consumption and cardiovascular disease. The abstracts and results should be read in the above-given context.

Results found: 451 - 470 of 1085
Results per page: 10 | 20 | 50
Holmes, M.V., Dale, C.E., Zuccolo, L., Silverwood, R.J., Guo, Y., Ye, Z., Prieto-Merino, D., Dehghan, A., Trompet, S., Wong, A., Cavadino, A., Drogan, D., Padmanabhan, S., Li, S., Yesupriya, A., Leusink, M., Sundstrom, J., Hubacek, J.A., Pikhart, H., Swerdlow, D.I., Panayiotou, A.G., Borinskaya, S.A., Finan, C., Shah, S., Kuchenbaecker, K.B., Shah, T., Engmann, J., Folkersen, L., Eriksson, P., Ricceri, F., Melander, O., Sacerdote, C., Gamble, D.M., Rayaprolu, S., Ross, O.A., McLachlan, S., Vikhireva, O., Sluijs, I., Scott, R.A., Adamkova, V., Flicker, L., Van Bockxmeer, F.M., Power, C., Marques-Vidal, P., Meade, T., Marmot, M G, Ferro, J.M., Paulos-Pinheiro, S., Humphries, S.E., Talmud, P.J., Leach, I.M., Verweij, N., Linneberg, A., Skaaby, T., Doevendans, P.A., Cramer, M.J., Van Der Harst, P., Klungel, O.H., Dowling, N.F., Dominiczak, A.F., Kumari, M., Nicolaides, A.N., Weikert, C., Boeing, H., Ebrahim, S., Gaunt, T.R., Price, J.F., Lannfelt, L., Peasey, A., Kubinova, R., Pajak, A., Malyutina, S., Voevoda, M.I., Tamosiunas, A., Maitland-van Der Zee, A.H., Norman, P.E., Hankey, G.J., Bergmann, M.M., Hofman, A., Franco, O.H., Cooper, J., Palmen, J., Spiering, W., De Jong, P.A., Kuh, D., Hardy, R., Uitterlinden, A.G., Ikram, M.A., Ford, I., Hyppönen, E., Almeida, O.P., Wareham, N.J., Khaw, K.-T., Hamsten, A., Husemoen, L.L.N., Tjønneland, A., Tolstrup, J.S., Rimm, E., Beulens, J.W.J., Verschuren, W.M.M., Onland-Moret, N.C., Hofker, M.H., Wannamethee, S.G., Whincup, P.H., Morris, R., Vicente, A.M., Watkins, H., Farrall, M., Jukema, J.W., Meschia, J., Cupples, L.A., Sharp, S.J., Fornage, M., Kooperberg, C., LaCroix, A.Z., Dai, J.Y., Lanktree, M.B., Siscovick, D.S., Jorgenson, E., Spring, B., Coresh, J., Li, Y.R., Buxbaum, S.G., Schreiner, P.J., Ellison, R.C., Tsai, M.Y., Patel, S.R., Redline, S., Johnson, A.D., Hoogeveen, R.C., Hakonarson, H., Rotter, J.I., Boerwinkle, E., De Bakker, P.I.W., Kivimaki, M., Asselbergs, F.W., Sattar, N., Lawlor, D.A., Whittaker, J., Smith, G.D., Mukamal, K., Psaty, B.M., Wilson, J.G., Lange, L.A., Hamidovic, A., Nordestgaard, B.G., Bobak, M., Leon, D.A., Langenberg, C., Palmer, T.M., Reiner, A.P., Keating, B.J., Dudbridge, F., Casas, J.P.

Association between alcohol and cardiovascular disease: Mendelian randomisation analysis based on individual participant data

BMJ (Online)

Changes in heart rate variability associated with moderate alcohol consumption

13th Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2013, MEDICON 2013
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