Cardiovascular disease

Beer in moderate amounts can be good for heart and blood vessels mainly because of the alcohol in it. There is strong scientific evidence that consumption of 15–30 g of alcohol per day is associated with a 25% lower relative risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality compared to abstainers. At this level of alcohol intake, coronary heart disease risk is reduced by 34%. The risk for stroke is lowest (20% less) at an intake of up to 15 g of alcohol per day.
Increased HDL cholesterol, improved insulin sensitivity, decreased fibrinogen and reduced inflammation markers are physiological mechanisms that explain this association. Also, on top of a healthy lifestyle and for people having cardiovascular disease, moderate beer consumption may have a cardiovascular protective effect. This is unrelated to the type of beverage.

For CVD prevention: Do not smoke, be active and eat and drink healthily and in moderation.

Read more:

Please find below a list of publications regarding alcohol consumption and cardiovascular disease. The abstracts and results should be read in the above-given context.

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On Health Effects of Resveratrol in Wine

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
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