Search results
Effects of beer and lettuce (Lactuca sativa) consumption on antioxidant status in healthy volunteers: A small-scale crossover trial
Current Nutrition and Food Science
Individual and joint impacts of ethanol use, BMI, age and gender on serum gamma-glutamyltransferase levels in healthy volunteers
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Alcohol in a social context: Findings from event-contingent recording studies of everyday social interactions
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research
Effects of moderate beer consumption on first-line immunity of healthy adults
Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry
Cross-sectional and longitudinal relationships between alcohol consumption and lipids, blood pressure and body weight indices
Journal of Studies on Alcohol
No significant effect of acute moderate alcohol intake on leptin levels in healthy male volunteers
Addiction Biology
The silicon content of beer and its bioavailability in healthy volunteers
British Journal of Nutrition
Acute effects of lyophilised red wine on total antioxidant capacity in healthy volunteers
Diabetes, Nutrition and Metabolism - Clinical and Experimental
Low doses of alcohol have a selective effect on the recognition of happy facial expressions
Human Psychopharmacology
Hypochlorhydria induced by a proton pump inhibitor leads to intragastric microbial production of acetaldehyde from ethanol
Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics