Search results
Relationship among alcohol intake, body fat, and physical activity: A population-based study
Annals of Epidemiology
The relation between moderate alcohol consumption and cognitive function in older women with type 2 diabetes
Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice
Alcohol drinking frequency in relation to subsequent changes in waist circumference
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Alcohol consumption and augmentation index in healthy young men: The ARYA study
American Journal of Hypertension
Alcohol intake and methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase polymorphism modify the relation of folate intake to plasma homocysteine
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Moderate alcohol consumption is associated with reduced arterial stiffness in older adults: The Rotterdam Study
Journals of Gerontology - Series A Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences
Overall alcohol intake, beer, wine, and systemic markers of inflammation in western Europe: Results from three MONICA samples (Augsburg, Glasgow, Lille)
European Heart Journal
Cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption in relation to cognitive performance in middle age
American Journal of Epidemiology