Search results
Association of Estrogen-Related Polygenetic Risk Scores with Breast Cancer and Interactions with Alcohol Intake, Early Menarche, and Nulligravida.
Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
Moderate alcohol consumption during adult life, drinking patterns, and breast cancer risk
JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association
Smoking and alcohol consumption in relation to risk of triple-negative breast cancer in a cohort of postmenopausal women
Cancer Causes and Control
Alcohol consumption and cancer risk: understanding possible causal mechanisms for breast and colorectal cancers.
Evidence report/technology assessment
Alcohol consumption and risk of postmenopausal breast cancer by subtype: the women's health initiative observational study.
J Natl Cancer Inst
Alcohol and risk of breast cancer by histologic type and hormone receptor status in postmenopausal women
American Journal of Epidemiology
Alcohol intake and risk of breast cancer defined by estrogen and progesterone receptor status - A meta-analysis of epidemiological studies
International Journal of Cancer
Alcohol consumption and breast cancer risk in the women's health study
American Journal of Epidemiology
Alcohol and postmenopausal breast cancer risk defined by estrogen and progesterone receptor status: A prospective cohort study
Journal of the National Cancer Institute
Interaction of dietary folate intake, alcohol, and risk of hormone receptor-defined breast cancer in a prospective study of postmenopausal women
Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention