Effect of ethanol on platelet biology

Effect of ethanol on platelet biology
Publication type
Journal Article
Year of Publication
Biomeditsinskaia khimiia
81 - 92
Date published

In recent years, interest in the study of platelets, significantly increased due to recent discoveries providing convincing evidence that their functions by are not limited to their participation in the blood coagulation mechanism. Many works are devoted to the study of the functional state of platelets under conditions of acute and chronic alcohol exposure. The results of such studies can be useful for the development of new markers of the degree of alcohol intoxication of the body for the subsequent choice of the method drug correction of disorders caused by acute or chronic alcohol effects. The review summarizes results in vivo and in vitro of studies performed during more than 60 years on the effect of ethanol on the biogenesis, number, morphology and biochemistry of platelets.V poslednie gody otmechaetsia interes k issledovaniiu trombotsitov, funktsii kotorykh, kak okazalos', ne ogranichivaiutsia lish' ikh uchastiem v mekhanizme svertyvaniia krovi. Mnozhestvo rabot posviashcheno izucheniiu funktsional'nogo sostoianiia trombotsitov v usloviiakh ostrogo i khronicheskogo vozdeĭstviia alkogolia. Rezul'taty takikh issledovaniĭ mogut byt' poleznymi pri razrabotke novykh markerov stepeni alkogol'noĭ intoksikatsii organizma dlia posleduiushchego vybora sposoba medikamentoznoĭ korrektsii narusheniĭ, vyzvannykh ostrym ili khronicheskim deĭstviem alkogolia. V rabote obobshcheny rezul'taty issledovaniĭ o vliianii étanola na biogenez, chislennost', morfologiiu i biokhimiiu trombotsitov. Predstavlen analiz issledovaniĭ, vypolnennykh kak in vitro, tak i in vivo na éksperimental'nykh zhivotnykh, a takzhe rezul'taty klinicheskikh nabliudeniĭ.