Functional limitation in later-life: the impact of sips, socialization, and sadness.

Functional limitation in later-life: the impact of sips, socialization, and sadness.
Publication type
Journal Article
Year of Publication
Aging and Mental Health
Date published
2020 Jul 02

Findings on the health impact of moderate alcohol use in later-life have been discrepant. Unaddressed mechanisms of action and validity concerns may contribute to contrasting results. Several studies have demonstrated a beneficial relationship between moderate alcohol use and functional ability. Research is needed to identify mechanisms of action that explain this relationship, while employing methods to reduce common validity concerns in alcohol use research. This study examines social interaction and depressive symptoms as serial mediators in the relationship between moderate alcohol use and functional limitation in later-life. HRS data from 2012-2016 were utilized ( = 1,474); heavy drinkers, adults younger than 65, and respondents with inconsistent alcohol use from 2008 to 2016 were excluded. Hypotheses were evaluated using a longitudinal serial mediation model with bias-corrected bootstrapping. Results indicated that, in the context of demographic variables, medical burden, and previous functional limitation, the relationship between 2012 moderate alcohol use and 2016 reduced functional limitation is only present when considering the mediating effect of 2014 depressive symptoms as a single mediator, and 2012 social interaction and 2014 depressive symptoms as serial mediators, respectively (total effect model =.167). Data indicate that relationships between moderate drinking and reduced functional limitation are explained through increased social interaction and subsequent reduced depressive symptoms. Results identify social interaction as an accessible treatment target to address depressive symptoms and functional limitation, and support increased assessment of IADLs in adults experiencing depressive symptoms (and vice versa) to facilitate early treatment/prevention of functional and emotional decline.