Effect of non-alcoholic beverage intake in children on alcoholic beverage drinking and smoking
The early intake of alcohol and/or nicotine in childhood or adolescence is one of risk factors for alcohol and/or nicotine dependence in adult. Recently, non-alcoholic beverages with less than 0.00%alcohol are on sale for adults as substitutes for alcoholic beverages without strict legal limitations. However, it is unclear whether non-alcoholic beverages could be a risk factor in drinking and smoking in childhood or adolescence. The purpose of the present survey is to clarify the eŠect of non-alcoholic beverage intake in children on alcoholic beverage drinking and smoking. We examined as follows: the experience of alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverage intake, and of smoking in elementary school pupils and/or their family members, and interest in or motivation for drinking and smoking in the pupils. As a result, the percentage of alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverage intake, and of smoking in the pupils were 16.8% or 21.9%, and 0.3%, respectively. The number of family members took the alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverage was larger in the pupils took it compared to the pupils did not take it. In the pupils who experienced the non-alcoholic beverage intake, interest in or motivation for drinking alcoholic beverages and/or smoking is higher than in those who did not. These ˆndings indicate that non-alcoholic beverage intake is related to drinking and smoking. We will introduce drug abuse prevention education on the risk of drug dependence among childhood or adolescents based on the ˆndings of this survey.