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Self-Expression While Drinking Alcohol: Alcohol Influences Personality Expression During First Impressions.
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin
Alcohol use and personality trait change: pooled analysis of six cohort studies
Psychological Medicine
Alcohol use and personality change in middle and older adulthood: Findings from the Health and Retirement Study.
Journal of Personality
Personality and alcohol consumption: Pooled analysis of 72,949 adults from eight cohort studies
Drug and Alcohol Dependence
Alcohol, mortality and cardiovascular events in a 35 year follow-up of a nationwide representative cohort of 50,000 swedish conscripts up to age 55
Alcohol and Alcoholism
Alcohol, appetite and energy balance: Is alcohol intake a risk factor for obesity?
Physiology and Behavior
Comorbidity of axis I and II mental disorders with schizophrenia and psychotic disorders: Findings from the national epidemiologic survey on alcohol and related conditions
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry
Associations between volume of alcohol consumption and social status, intelligence, and personality in a sample of young adult Danes
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology
High- and low-dose expectancies as mediators of personality dimensions and alcohol involvement
Journal of Studies on Alcohol
Alcohol-Induced Performance Impairment in Heavy Episodic and Light Social Drinkers
Journal of Studies on Alcohol
Personality differences between users of wine, beer and spirits in a community sample: The Winnipeg Health and Drinking Survey
Journal of Studies on Alcohol